Regular maintenance of machinery is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
定期對機器進行維修是確保其性能和壽命最佳的重要步驟。 -
The maintenance crew is responsible for inspecting, repairing, and servicing equipment to prevent breakdowns.
維修人員負責檢查、維修和服務設備,以防止故障。 -
Good maintenance practices can significantly reduce downtime and production losses in industrial settings.
良好的維修實踐可以在工業環境中顯著減少停機時間和生產損失。 -
Preventive maintenance involves routine checks and servicing to identify and fix potential issues before they become major problems.
預防性維修包括定期檢查和維修,以發現並解決潛在問題,防止它們變成重大問題。 -
The maintenance schedule outlines tasks such as lubrication, filter replacement, and system calibration.
維修計劃列出了像潤滑、更換濾芯和系統校準等任務。 -
Skilled technicians are often employed to perform specialized maintenance tasks on complex machinery.
熟練的技術人員通常被聘請來對複雜機器進行專業維修工作。 -
Software updates are part of the ongoing maintenance of computer systems to ensure security and performance.
軟體更新是計算機系統持續維修的一部分,以確保安全和性能。 -
Building maintenance includes tasks such as painting, plumbing repairs, and HVAC system checks.
建築物維修包括油漆、水暖維修和暖通空調系統檢查等任務。 -
Routine vehicle maintenance involves changing oil, checking brakes, and inspecting tires for wear and tear.
定期車輛維修包括換油、檢查制動器和檢查輪胎是否磨損。 -
Effective maintenance plans are crucial for ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of equipment and facilities.
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
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