ask for, demand, exact, extort
- You can request a refund at the customer service desk.
你可以在客戶服務櫃台索取退款。 - Please fill out this form to request a copy of your medical records.
請填寫這份表格以索取您的醫療記錄副本。 - The company policy allows employees to request time off for personal reasons.
公司政策允許員工因私人原因請求休假。 - Students can request an extension for submitting their assignments.
學生可以要求延長送出作業的時間。 - Customers are encouraged to request assistance if they need help.
鼓勵顧客如需幫助時索取協助。 - You can request a copy of the contract from the legal department.
你可以向法務部門索取合約副本。 - The teacher requested that the students hand in their essays by Friday.
老師要求學生在星期五前交上他們的文章。 - Employees can request training sessions to enhance their skills.
員工可以要求培訓課程以提升他們的技能。 - If you need a replacement, you can request a new key from the front desk.
如果你需要替換,你可以向前台索取一把新的鑰匙。 - The committee will review your request for additional funding.
我們臺灣人在講日期通常有農曆與國曆的不同,其中農曆的英文就是 lunar calendar,自古以來農民就是用農曆在看日子、耕做,後來這百年來,台灣人開始使用國曆(西元),很多人都不知道國曆的英文說法,所以我們特地準備了這篇來跟大家介紹台灣人說的國曆英文說法及由來。臺灣人用的國曆 ...