text message名詞
I sent her a text message to wish her happy birthday.
我發送了一條簡訊祝她生日快樂。 -
Please check your text messages for the meeting details.
請查看您的簡訊以獲取會議詳細信息。 -
He received a text message from his boss about the urgent task.
他收到了老闆發送來的一條有關緊急任務的簡訊。 -
I didn't get your text message.
Can you please resend it? 我沒有收到你的簡訊。你能再發送一遍嗎? -
She quickly replied to his text message.
她很快回復了他的簡訊。 -
I'm going to send a text message to remind him of our appointment.
我要發送簡訊提醒他我們的約會。 -
He accidentally deleted the important text message from his phone.
他不小心刪掉了手機上重要的簡訊。 -
She prefers to communicate with her friends through text messages.
她更喜歡透過簡訊與朋友溝通。 -
My phone is not working, so I can't receive any text messages right now.
我的手機出了點問題,現在收不到簡訊。 -
He composed a long text message to express his feelings to her.
每到過年,大家都需要新年祝賀詞跟親朋好友們互道新年快樂(Happy New Year),為了讓大家方便找到簡單又優美的新年祝賀詞英文句子,每天學英文單字的編輯們絞盡腦汁,幫所有讀者朋友們準備了這些好用的祝賀詞,歡迎大家多多利用,無論傳簡訊、Message、傳 Line 都好用。
各位讀者朋友們晚安,今天晚上是中秋夜,很多人都會用手機傳個簡訊、Line 或 Message 跟親朋好友們說聲中秋節快樂,如果你想傳英文版本中秋節快樂該怎麼說呢?有兩種說法都可以,你可以說 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 或簡單一點說 Happy Moon F ...