I took extensive notes during the lecture to help me study later.
我在講座期間做了詳細的筆記,以便之後學習。 -
It's important to review your class notes before the exam.
考試前複習課堂筆記是很重要的。 -
Can I borrow your notes? I missed that part of the lecture.
我可以借用你的筆記嗎?我沒有聽到那部分的講座。 -
Taking organized notes can help you retain information better.
有組織地記筆記可以幫助你更好地記住信息。 -
I prefer to write my notes by hand instead of typing them.
我喜歡手寫筆記,而不是打字。 -
The textbook provided a helpful summary that I used for my notes.
教科書提供了一個有用的摘要,我用來寫筆記。 -
I've been going through my old notes to prepare for the final exam.
我一直在翻閱我以前的筆記,為期末考試做準備。 -
These notes cover the main points from the presentation.
這些筆記涵蓋了演示中的主要觀點。 -
I like to color-code my notes to make important information stand out.
我喜歡用不同顏色標記我的筆記,讓重要信息更加突出。 -
The lecture was so informative that I filled several pages with notes.
The story of Valentine's Day is a sweet one.
話說很久很久以前,有個叫聖瓦倫丁的牧師,他超級喜歡幫助戀人們互相表達愛意,特別是當時羅馬皇帝克勞狄二世規定年輕人不能結婚,因為他覺得單身的士兵比較 ...