- Suddenly, a loud noise startled the crowd, causing panic.
突然間,一聲巨響驚動了人群,引起了恐慌。 - The weather changed suddenly, and it started pouring rain.
天氣突然變化,開始下起傾盆大雨。 - He appeared suddenly at the door, surprising everyone.
他突然出現在門口,讓大家都感到驚訝。 - The car swerved suddenly to avoid hitting the pedestrian.
汽車突然轉彎,避免撞到行人。 - She fell ill suddenly and had to be taken to the hospital.
她突然生病,不得不被送往醫院。 - Suddenly, the lights went out, leaving the room in complete darkness.
突然間,燈光熄滅,房間陷入一片黑暗。 - The movie took a sudden twist that caught the audience by surprise.
電影突然發生了戲劇性的轉折,令觀眾大吃一驚。 - He received a sudden call from his long-lost friend, whom he hadn't heard from in years.
他突然接到一通久違的朋友的來電,已經多年沒有聯絡了。 - Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew the papers off the desk.
突然間,一陣強風把桌上的文件吹落了。 - The fire alarm rang suddenly, prompting everyone to evacuate the building.
英文裡的 catch、seize 和 grasp 這三個單字都是指抓住、接住或拿取物品的動詞,算是相當類似的英文單字,但它們在使用上有一些差異,主要還是在部分的上下文會影響這三個單字的不同解釋,許多人在使用時都弄不清楚該怎麼選擇,以下是它們的解釋和用法:
catch(抓住、接住 ...