general public名詞
The new policy will have a significant impact on the general public.
這項新政策將對社會大眾產生重大影響。 -
The campaign aims to raise awareness among the general public about environmental conservation.
這個活動旨在提高社會大眾對環境保護的意識。 -
The survey collected opinions and feedback from the general public.
這項調查收集了社會大眾的意見和反饋。 -
The museum offers educational programs to engage the general public in learning about art and culture.
博物館提供教育計劃,讓社會大眾參與藝術和文化的學習。 -
The safety campaign aims to educate the general public on traffic rules and regulations.
安全宣傳活動旨在教育社會大眾交通規則和法規。 -
The conference brought together experts and the general public to discuss climate change.
這個會議匯集了專家和社會大眾來討論氣候變化。 -
The government's policies should be responsive to the needs and concerns of the general public.
政府的政策應該對社會大眾的需求和關切作出回應。 -
The exhibition aims to make art accessible and enjoyable for the general public.
這個展覽旨在使藝術對社會大眾易於接觸且令人愉悅。 -
The general public is encouraged to participate in community events and activities.
鼓勵社會大眾參與社區活動和活動。 -
The media plays a crucial role in informing and influencing the opinions of the general public.
臺灣社會有非常多不同的族群,包含全台各地的原住民朋友們,都是台灣的一部分,也許你會需要跟外國朋友介紹台灣的原住民文化,這時候如果用線上翻譯查詢原住民英文說法,很可能會出現 aborigines 或是 indigenous 這兩種翻譯,看似截然不同的兩個單字都可以代表原住民嗎?還是 ...