plain white rice名詞
plain rice, white rice, rice
- Plain white rice is the staple food of the Orientals.
白飯是東方人的主食。 -
You can find that Taiwan's hypermarkets sell electronic pans that are specially used to cook plain white rice.
你可以發現,台灣的大賣場都有賣專門用來煮白飯的電子鍋。 -
The nutritional value of plain white rice may be higher than you think.
白飯的營養價值可能比你想像的還高。 -
Many people do not eat plain white rice during weight loss.
許多人在減肥期間都不吃白飯。 -
Dietitians suggest that people should eat plain white rice appropriately if they are losing weight.
營養師建議民眾就算在減肥也應該適量攝取白飯。 -
Our dinner today is not plain white rice, but a beef noodle soup.
我們今天的晚餐不是白飯,而是吃牛肉麵。 -
Mark's restaurant sells a lot of plain white rice every day.
馬克的餐廳每天都會賣出大量的白飯。 -
Taiwanese plain white rice is not the same as wheat porridge or oatmeal in Europe and America.
台灣人的白飯與歐美的小麥粥或燕麥粥是不一樣的食物。 -
In general, cooking plain white rice in an electric cooker takes about 30 minutes to cook.
一般來說,用電鍋煮白飯大約只要三十分鐘就能煮熟。 -
I only eat a bowl of plain white rice on average.
我平均一餐只吃一碗白飯。 -
To cook a delicious plain white rice, you must control the mixing ratio of white rice and water and the cooking time.
牛肉麵在台灣幾乎是很普及的基本麵食,各家牛肉麵店都有各自的獨特風味,也讓牛肉麵界出現百家爭鳴的盛況,不過許多人都搞不清楚牛肉麵的英文要怎麼說?甚至是很直白的用「牛肉+麵」這種臺灣英語的方式翻譯,其實這樣是錯誤的,會造成老外的誤會唷!在英文的邏輯裡,所有只要是有湯的麵都要加上湯的英 ...