She winced in pain as the nurse administered the injection.
當護士施打針劑時,她因疼痛而畏縮。 -
He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder after lifting the heavy boxes.
在搬運重箱子後,他感到肩膀劇痛。 -
The medication helped alleviate the pain in her knee.
藥物幫助緩解了她膝蓋的疼痛。 -
She clenched her teeth against the pain of the tooth extraction.
她咬緊牙關,忍受著拔牙的疼痛。 -
The athlete pushed through the pain to finish the race.
這位運動員在疼痛中堅持完成比賽。 -
He described the pain as a dull ache in his lower back.
他形容這種疼痛是腰部下方的隱隱作痛。 -
The doctor prescribed painkillers to manage the chronic pain.
醫生開了止痛藥來控制慢性疼痛。 -
The mother's heart ached with pain when she saw her child hurt.
當母親看到孩子受傷時,心中充滿了痛苦。 -
He tried to ignore the pain in his ankle, hoping it would go away on its own.
他試著忽視腳踝的疼痛,希望它會自行消失。 -
She let out a cry of pain when the doctor touched the tender area.
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