Start a Fire
To start a fire, you need kindling, tinder, and a source of ignition.
要生火,你需要引火物、火絨和點火源。 -
Rubbing two sticks together vigorously can create enough friction to start a fire.
用力摩擦兩根木棍可以產生足夠的摩擦力生火。 -
Fire-making is a survival skill that involves the ability to start a fire in various conditions.
點火是一種生存技能,涉及在各種條件下生火的能力。 -
Camping enthusiasts often rely on flint and steel to start a fire in the wilderness.
露營愛好者通常依賴燧石和鋼片在野外生火。 -
Building a fire pit is essential when you want to start a fire safely in your backyard.
在後院安全生火時,建造一個火坑極為重要。 -
Fire starters like matches and lighters are convenient tools to quickly start a fire.
像火柴和打火機這樣的點火工具是快速生火的方便工具。 -
Learning how to start a fire without modern tools is a valuable wilderness survival skill.
學習如何在沒有現代工具的情況下生火是一項有價值的野外生存技能。 -
Fire-building techniques vary depending on the type of fuel and environment.
生火技巧因燃料和環境而異。 -
It's important to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines when starting a fire.
生火時要謹慎行事,遵循安全指南。 -
Once you've successfully started a fire, it provides warmth, light, and a sense of comfort.
中秋節(英文:Mid-Autumn Festival)要到了,台灣人總是喜歡在中秋節烤肉(barbecue、BBQ),似乎烤肉就是一種標準的習俗活動,其實沒有這項規定啦!不過烤肉確實也是個凝聚家人團聚力的一種好方式,從準備食材、挑選場地、生火烤肉、一起享用烤肉大餐、賞月、喝啤酒或 ...