Gas Grill
I prefer using a gas grill because it's quick and easy to start.
我喜歡使用瓦斯烤肉爐,因為它啟動迅速且容易。 -
The gas grill offers precise temperature control for perfect grilling results.
瓦斯烤肉爐提供精確的溫度控制,以獲得完美的烤肉效果。 -
With a gas grill, you can start cooking almost immediately after turning it on.
使用瓦斯烤肉爐,你可以在打開後幾乎立即開始烹飪。 -
Many outdoor enthusiasts prefer a portable gas grill for camping trips.
許多戶外愛好者喜歡攜帶式瓦斯烤肉爐進行露營之旅。 -
The gas grill comes equipped with burners that provide consistent heat.
瓦斯烤肉爐配備的燃燒器提供穩定的熱量。 -
You can adjust the flame intensity on a gas grill to control the cooking temperature.
你可以調整瓦斯烤肉爐上的火焰強度來控制烹飪溫度。 -
Cleaning a gas grill is relatively easy compared to charcoal grills.
清潔瓦斯烤肉爐相對較容易,與木炭烤肉爐相比。 -
The gas grill has a built-in ignition system for hassle-free starting.
瓦斯烤肉爐配備了內建點火系統,無需煩惱點火問題。 -
We decided to invest in a high-quality gas grill for our outdoor gatherings.
我們決定為我們的戶外聚會投資一款高品質的瓦斯烤肉爐。 -
The convenience of a gas grill makes it a popular choice for backyard barbecues.
中秋節(英文:Mid-Autumn Festival)要到了,台灣人總是喜歡在中秋節烤肉(barbecue、BBQ),似乎烤肉就是一種標準的習俗活動,其實沒有這項規定啦!不過烤肉確實也是個凝聚家人團聚力的一種好方式,從準備食材、挑選場地、生火烤肉、一起享用烤肉大餐、賞月、喝啤酒或 ...