Queen Mother of the West
The Queen Mother of the West is a figure of Chinese mythology, known for her beauty and wisdom.
王母娘娘是中國神話中的一個人物,以她的美麗和智慧而著稱。 -
Legends speak of the Queen Mother of the West residing in a palace of gold and jade in the Kunlun Mountains.
傳說中,王母娘娘居住在昆侖山中一座金玉其外的宮殿中。 -
Offerings of peaches were made to the Queen Mother of the West, symbolizing longevity and immortality.
人們向王母娘娘獻上蟠桃,象徵著長壽和不朽。 -
The Queen Mother of the West was said to have the elixir of immortality in her possession.
據說王母娘娘擁有長生不老丹。 -
In art and literature, the Queen Mother of the West is often depicted as a regal and graceful figure.
在藝術和文學中,王母娘娘常常被描繪成一位威嚴而優雅的形象。 -
The Queen Mother of the West was revered as a goddess of longevity and prosperity.
王母娘娘被尊奉為長壽和繁榮的女神。 -
Offerings of incense and prayers were made to the Queen Mother of the West during festivals.
節日期間,人們向王母娘娘獻上香火和祈禱。 -
Legends tell of the Queen Mother of the West bestowing blessings upon those who are pure of heart.
傳說中,王母娘娘會賜福給那些心地純潔的人。 -
The Queen Mother of the West was said to have a garden of peaches that ripened only once every thousand years.
據說王母娘娘有一座每千年才結出一次的蟠桃園。 -
Stories of the Queen Mother of the West have been passed down through generations, a symbol of grace and power.
Queen Mother of the West 是西王母的英文翻譯,西王母是中國神話中掌管不死藥和懲罰罪惡的女神,居住在崑崙山的瑤池金母宮,她是道教中的重要神祇,也是中國民間信仰中常見的神仙。
西王母的形象通常是一位身穿華服、頭戴鳳冠、手持仙桃或蟠桃的女性,她經常與青龍、白虎 ...