Distinctive Aroma
The wine had a distinctive aroma of ripe berries and oak.
這款葡萄酒具有成熟莓果和橡木獨特的香味。 -
The bakery was filled with the distinctive aroma of freshly baked bread.
麵包店充滿了新鮮烘焙麵包獨特的香味。 -
Each type of tea has its own distinctive aroma, influenced by its processing method.
每種茶類都有自己獨特的香味,受到其加工方法的影響。 -
The curry's distinctive aroma wafted through the air, making mouths water.
咖哩獨特的香味彌漫在空氣中,令人垂涎欲滴。 -
The perfume had a distinctive aroma that lingered throughout the day.
這款香水有著獨特的香味,在整天都持續存在。 -
The cheese had a distinctive aroma, ranging from earthy to pungent.
這種奶酪有著從大地的到刺鼻的獨特香味。 -
The spices in the dish contributed to its distinctive aroma and flavorful taste.
這道菜中的香料為其帶來了獨特的香味和美味的口感。 -
The tropical fruit had a distinctive aroma that instantly transported you to a sunny beach.
這種熱帶水果有著獨特的香味,讓你瞬間置身在陽光明媚的沙灘上。 -
The forest had a distinctive aroma of pine needles and earth after a fresh rain.
森林在一場新雨後有著松針和泥土的獨特香味。 -
The coffee beans were roasted to perfection, creating a distinctive aroma when brewed.
百香果也稱為西番蓮果,學名為 Passiflora edulis,是西番蓮科(學名:Passiflora spp.)的其中一個品種,原產於南美洲,是一種熱帶水果,其外觀獨特,口感豐富,而且擁有令人愉悅的香味,百香果的英文稱為 Passion fruit。以下是有關百香果的一些特點 ...