beef shank名詞
beef shin(常用於英國、加拿大)
- Beef shank is beef with almost no fat.
牛腱是幾乎沒有脂肪的牛肉。 -
Beef shank is a very suitable place for braised beef.
牛腱是非常適合做滷牛肉的部位。 -
You can go to the hypermarket to buy the beef shank imported from the United States.
你可以去大賣場購買美國進口的牛腱。 -
Beef shank is the muscle on the cow's leg.
牛腱就是牛小腿上的肌肉。 -
Beef shank is a beef commonly used in beef noodle soups.
牛腱是牛肉麵常用的牛肉。 -
Sliced braised beef shank is a common braised dishes in Taiwan.
將滷好的牛腱切片是台灣常見的滷味。 -
The new article by this blogger is to share the experience of braise beef shank.
這名部落客的新文章是分享滷牛腱的經驗。 -
Braised beef shank is a popular side dish at this snack bar.
滷牛腱是這間小吃店的熱門小菜。 -
I like this beef noodle shop restaurant because they use Australian beef shank.
我喜歡這間牛肉麵店,因為他們選用的是澳洲進口的牛腱。 - I usually buy vacuum packed beef shank.
台灣人愛滷味,走在城市裡,經常可以看到好吃的滷味店有很多人在夾滷味,夜市裡面更不用說,有些滷味攤就是特別便宜又好吃,遠近馳名,買滷味早就成為台灣的特色文化之一,不過在歐美沒有我們台灣傳統用醬油(soy sauce)滷的這種滷味,所以必須從中文翻譯過去才能比較貼切。
台灣人的滷味 ...