Steaming Hot
I eagerly sipped the steaming hot tea to warm myself up on a cold morning.
在寒冷的早晨,我熱切地品味著熱騰騰的茶,讓自己暖和起來。 -
The bakery just pulled a batch of steaming hot croissants out of the oven.
麵包店剛從烤箱中取出一批熱騰騰的可頌麵包。 -
The soup was served in a bowl, steaming hot and fragrant.
湯以碗盛載,熱騰騰的,香氣撲鼻。 - Be careful when you take a bite – the pizza is still steaming hot! =咬一口時要小心,披薩還是熱騰騰的!
The plate of spaghetti was placed in front of me, steaming hot and ready to be devoured.
一盤意大利麵擺在我面前,熱騰騰的,準備好了被我大快朵頤。 -
I wrapped my hands around the steaming hot mug of cocoa, savoring its warmth.
我用雙手環繞著那杯熱騰騰的可可,享受著它的溫暖。 -
The freshly baked bread was still steaming hot as I sliced into it.
我切開那塊剛出爐的麵包時,它還是熱騰騰的。 -
The steaming hot dumplings were a hit at the party, disappearing within minutes.
那些熱騰騰的餃子在派對上大受歡迎,幾分鐘內就被吃個一空。 -
The coffee was so steaming hot that I had to wait a moment before taking a sip.
咖啡太熱騰騰了,我不得不等片刻才能喝一口。 -
The shower was a relief after being out in the cold, leaving me feeling steaming hot and refreshed.
台灣人的早餐文化很豐富,反映了多元的飲食傳統與口味偏好,早餐在台灣被視為一天中重要的一餐,不僅填飽肚子,更是社交交流與家庭情感的重要場合,不過忙碌的台灣人也經常不在家吃早餐,人們通常會選擇在便利商店、早餐店、小攤販、街邊攤或傳統市場購買美味的早點,台灣的早餐也稱為早點,等於英文的 ...