condensed milk名詞
condensed milk 也翻譯為煉奶
- Condensed milk is a milk product which contain sugar.
煉乳是一種含糖的牛乳製品。 -
The use of condensed milk is quite extensive.
煉乳的用途相當廣泛。 -
I like to add some condensed milk on the ice.
我喜歡在剉冰上加一些煉乳。 -
The taste of condensed milk is quite good, very sweet and has a milky aroma.
煉乳的口感相當好,很甜而且有奶香味。 -
Although condensed milk is delicious, but the calories are very high.
雖然煉乳很好吃,但是熱量非常高。 -
I usually pour some condensed milk on the snow ice.
我通常會在雪花冰上淋一些煉乳。 -
The price of condensed milk is not cheap.
煉乳的價格並不便宜。 -
Condensed milk can be used to make a wide variety of beverages.
煉乳可以用來調製許多種飲料。 -
Hong Kong people will pour some condensed milk on the steamed bread.
香港人會在饅頭上淋一些煉乳。 -
Condensed milk is a common addition to many desserts.
乳製品在日常生活中是常見的食材,像是鮮奶、奶酪、起司、優格、保久乳 .... 等,都是大家耳熟能詳的乳製品,甚至咖啡上的奶泡或製作蛋糕的鮮奶油都是,我們今天就來整理這些常見的乳製品英文說法,因為這些產品在全世界幾乎都很暢銷,國外的超市也都很容易買到,建議盡量記 ...