pasta gratin名詞
焗烤麵英文中的 pasta 是義大利麵的統稱,而 gratin 是源自於法文「焗烤」的意思,習慣上 pasta 要放在前面,gratin 放後面,焗烤麵英文也稱為 baked pasta,但是較不正統。
- She prepared a delicious pasta gratin with layers of creamy cheese and tomato sauce.
她做了一份美味的焗烤麵,層層疊疊地加上了奶油起司和番茄醬。 - They enjoyed a hearty pasta gratin for dinner, filled with tender chicken and vegetables.
他們享用了一份豐盛的焗烤麵作為晚餐,裡面加入了嫩雞肉和蔬菜。 - The pasta gratin was baked until golden and bubbly, the cheese melting into a gooey layer.
焗烤麵烤得金黃鬆脆,奶酪融化成一層粘粘的液體。 - He learned how to make pasta gratin from his grandmother's old recipe, a comforting and nostalgic dish.
他從祖母的老食譜學會了如何做焗烤麵,這是一道令人安慰且讓人懷念的菜餚。 - They added a sprinkle of breadcrumbs on top of the pasta gratin before baking for a crispy finish.
在焗烤麵上方加了一層麵包糠,烤之前,為了增加一種脆口的感覺。 - The pasta gratin was served in individual ramekins, each bubbling with cheesy goodness.
焗烤麵被分裝在個別的小陶瓷碗裡,每一個都冒著奶酪的誘人泡沫。 - She added a touch of truffle oil to the pasta gratin, elevating its flavors to gourmet levels.
她在焗烤麵裡加了一點松露油,把它的風味提升到了美食水準。 - The pasta gratin was a hit at the potluck dinner, disappearing quickly from the serving dish.
焗烤麵在聚餐晚宴上大受歡迎,很快就從碟子上消失了。 - They enjoyed the creamy and cheesy pasta gratin with a side of crisp salad dressed in vinaigrette.
他們享用了奶油起司焗烤麵,搭配一份裹著油醋醬的新鮮沙拉。 - The pasta gratin was a comforting dish on a cold winter evening, warming them from the inside out.
台灣人愛吃焗烤料理,無論是焗烤麵還是焗烤飯都很受歡迎,不過很多人都誤以為焗烤跟一般用烤箱的烘烤是一樣的英文說法,所以會用 baked 這個單字來形容焗烤料理,或用名詞 baking 來表示焗烤,但實際上並非如此,焗烤有專屬於自己的英文說法,咱們先來看看 baking 這個單字。焗 ...