roast chicken名詞
grilled chicken
- The roast chicken in this restaurant uses a unique sauce and is delicious.
這家餐廳的烤雞使用了獨特的醬料,很好吃。 -
This commercial large oven can bake 24 roast chickens at a time.
這個商用大烤箱一次可以烘烤24隻烤雞。 -
Roast chicken dishes are available in almost every country in the world.
幾乎世界各國都有烤雞料理。 -
If you want to make delicious roast chicken, you must use good quality chicken.
如果你要做出好吃的烤雞,你必須選用品質好的雞肉。 -
There is a restaurant on the hill known for roast chicken.
山上有一間餐廳以烤雞聞名。 -
I like to eat roast chicken with pepper salt.
我喜歡吃烤雞沾胡椒鹽。 -
This restaurant produces only 20 roast chickens a day.
這間餐廳一天只生產 20 隻烤雞。 -
The process of making roast chicken is quite cumbersome.
製作烤雞的過程相當麻煩。 -
In general, smaller chickens are used to make roast chicken.
一般來說,製作烤雞會選用比較小的雞。 -
I haven't eaten roast chicken for about half a year.
我大概有半年沒有吃過烤雞。 -
Roasted chicken is a very common food in Taiwan.
我們經常會用入口即化來形容食物在嘴裡很容易散開來,或者是肉類燉煮得非常軟爛好吃,有時候也會用來形容巧克力在嘴裡絲滑柔順的口感,從這樣的概念來看,其實就可以知道英文應該怎麼表達,入口即化的常用英文說法是 melt in one's mouth,字面意思是「在某人嘴裡融化」,這個 ...
雞蛋糕這項台灣傳統的小點心在夜市或都會區都經常可以買到,通常銅板價就可以買到好幾個,也許外國人也會喜歡吃,我們要怎麼跟外國朋友介紹台灣這營養、便宜又好吃的雞蛋糕呢?今天編輯就用簡單的情境帶大家一起來學習跟外國朋友介紹雞蛋糕的方式,咱們開始吧!Hey! You see, there ...