- A turkey is a poultry native to North America.
火雞是一種原產於北美洲的家禽。 -
The size of the turkey is much larger than that of the average chicken.
火雞的體型比一般的雞大很多。 -
The female bird of the turkey is smaller than the male bird.
火雞的雌鳥較雄鳥小。 -
Americans will eat turkey dinners on Thanksgiving Day.
美國人會在感恩節當天吃火雞晚餐。 -
The White House pardons a turkey every year.
美國白宮每年會特赦一隻火雞。 -
Taiwan's Chiayi turkey rice is very delicious.
台灣的嘉義火雞肉飯非常好吃。 -
The turkey is very rich in nutrients and is a good source of protein.
火雞的營養成分非常豐富,是很好的蛋白質來源。 -
Taiwan also has good turkey breeding techniques.
台灣也有很好的火雞飼養技術。 -
Turkey has an important part in American culture.
火雞在美國文化中有重要的部分。 -
Most people are strange to turkeys, but many people have eaten turkey rice.
大多數人對火雞很陌生,但是很多人都吃過火雞肉飯。 -
The turkey wings are very large and the meat is very chewy.
火雞翅很大支,肉質很有嚼勁。 -
The roasted turkey legs sold by Carrefour are quite delicious.
家樂福賣的烤火雞腿相當好吃。 -
Wild turkeys will fly.
野生的火雞會飛。 -
Turkeys eat grass and small insects and are omnivorous animals.

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