dark green名詞
deep green
The forest was filled with the deep green of ancient pines and towering spruces.
森林中滿是古老松樹和高聳的雲杉的深綠色。 -
Her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of deep green, like emeralds.
她的眼睛是一種迷人的深綠色,像翡翠一般。 -
The velvet curtains in the room were a rich, luxurious shade of dark green.
房間裡的天鵝絨窗簾是一種豐富奢華的深綠色。 -
The hillsides were covered with lush, dark green foliage, a haven for wildlife.
山坡上覆蓋著茂密的深綠色植被,是野生動物的避風港。 -
The old leather armchair had faded to a beautiful, deep green over the years.
這把老皮革扶手椅多年來已經褪成了一種美麗的深綠色。 -
The bottle of wine on the table had a label with elegant gold lettering on a dark green background.
桌子上的酒瓶上貼著一個帶有優雅金色字體的深綠色標籤。 -
The vintage car gleamed in a glossy coat of dark green paint.
這輛復古汽車閃耀著一層光滑的深綠色油漆。 -
The lush, deep green of the ivy climbing the stone walls gave the castle an ancient, mystical look.
爬滿石牆的常青藤的茂密深綠色讓這座城堡顯得古老而神秘。 -
The rolling hills were dotted with patches of deep green forests.
連綿的丘陵上點綴著片片深綠色的森林。 -
The emerald necklace she wore gleamed against the deep green of her velvet gown.
你認識那些顏色的英文單字呢?在日常生活中,除了常見的紅色、黃色、藍色、綠色、黑色、白色這些基本的顏色之外,還有許多不同的顏色,為了清楚表達各種顏色,這些不同的顏色還會有不同的英文名稱,這裡我們就整理了各種常見的顏色英文說法對照表,包含 16 進位色碼讓各位清楚認識他們。顏色中文顏 ...
說到芥末醬,有些人會浮現日本料理店的那種綠色的芥末醬,西方人可能會浮現黃色的那種淋在熱狗上的黃芥末醬,這兩種芥末醬有什麼不同?英文名稱又該怎麼區別呢?許多人都搞不清楚,其實它們的原料、味道、用途都不同且都有各自的標準英文名稱,今天就讓我們一起來認識它們吧!日本綠色芥茉醬日式芥茉醬 ...