glutinous oil rice名詞
- In Taiwan, parents will send glutinous oil rice to their relatives and friends when they are born a month.
在台灣,父母親會在小嬰兒出生一個月的時候送油飯給親朋好友們。 -
My breakfast is a glutinous oil rice.
我的早餐是油飯。 -
Glutinous oil rice is a high-calorie food.
油飯屬於高熱量食物。 -
Fresh glutinous oil rice has a brown color and aroma.
新鮮的油飯有著咖啡色的顏色及香味。 -
Glutinous oil rice is a common snack in Taiwan.
油飯是台灣常見的小吃。 -
The snack of this afternoon is glutinous oil rice.
今天下午的點心是油飯。 -
When Mike was young, he used to sell glutinous oil rice on the street.
麥克年輕的時候曾經在街道旁賣油飯。 -
Grandma will sell glutinous oil rice to students or teachers every morning at school.
奶奶每天早上都會在學校賣油飯給學生或老師。 -
There are a lot of recipes for glutinous oil rice on the internet.
網路上有非常多油飯的食譜。 -
You can buy ready-made glutinous oil rice in a convenience store.
你可以在便利商店買現成的油飯。 -
Glutinous oil rice usually contains a lot of oil and sodium.
台灣的飯店幾乎都有提供中式早餐的選擇,而且有些飯店提供的中式早餐種類相當多,讓住宿的旅客有非常多好吃的選擇,例如蛋餅、荷包蛋、蔥油餅、包子、饅頭、豆漿、小籠包、湯包、稀飯、粥、小米粥、餡餅 ...... 等,相信各位對這些美食都不陌生,今天我們就來一起認識一些常見的中式早餐英文說 ...
夜市可以說是台灣的在地文化代表之一,許多人都喜歡逛夜市,在夜市裡可以找到許多好吃的美食及好玩的元素,如果你有老外朋友來台灣,你想帶他們去逛逛台灣的夜市,那你大概會需要認識一些夜市常見的美食英文名稱,才能好好的把台灣夜市美食介紹給外國朋友們,一起來看看吧!饒河街觀光夜市人潮※圖片取 ...