- We need to choose a new paint color for the living room walls.
我們需要為客廳牆壁選擇一種新的油漆顏色。 - The painters will start applying the paint tomorrow morning.
油漆工將於明早開始施工。 - He accidentally spilled some paint on the floor and had to clean it up quickly.
他不小心在地板上潑了些油漆,不得不迅速清理。 - The old fence needs a fresh coat of paint to protect it from the weather.
舊圍欄需要重新塗一層油漆以保護它不受天氣影響。 - She's an artist who loves to experiment with different types of paint.
她是一位喜歡嘗試不同類型油漆的藝術家。 - The paint on the exterior walls started peeling due to the humidity.
由於潮濕,外牆的油漆開始剝落。 - We decided on a glossy finish for the kitchen cabinets' paint.
我們決定為廚房櫥櫃的油漆選擇光亮的表面。 - The children had fun finger painting with non-toxic paints.
孩子們玩得很開心,用無毒的顏料指畫。 - The paintbrushes are in the drawer next to the paint cans.
畫筆在油漆桶旁邊的抽屜裡。 - It took them a week to finish painting the entire house.
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
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