water pipe名詞
hose,消防水管或消防水帶稱為 fire hose,水管道英文稱為 plumbing
The plumber replaced the old water pipes with new ones.
水管工把舊的水管換成了新的。 -
A leak in the water pipe caused a small flood in the basement.
水管漏水導致地下室發生了小洪水。 -
They insulated the water pipes to prevent freezing during winter.
他們給水管加了保溫層,以防止冬天結凍。 -
The water gushed out of the burst pipe, flooding the kitchen.
水從破裂的水管噴出來,淹沒了廚房。 -
The apartment building has a complex network of water pipes running through it.
這座公寓大樓裡有一個複雜的水管網路。 -
He used a wrench to tighten the joints of the water pipes.
他用扳手拧緊了水管的接頭。 -
The plumber traced the source of the leak to a corroded section of the water pipe.
水管工將漏水的源頭追溯到了一段銹蝕的水管。 -
They had to dig up the yard to repair the underground water pipes.
他們不得不挖掘院子來修理地下的水管。 -
The water pressure dropped suddenly due to a blockage in the main pipe.
由於主管道堵塞,水壓突然下降了。 -
She heard the clanging of the water pipes as the hot water started flowing.
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
水電師傅是台灣很常聽到的一種稱呼,也稱為水電工,舉凡家中跟水電有關的都可以請水電師傅來處理,但在國外的文化是不太一樣的,國外不是統稱為水電師傅或水電工,而是根據不同的專業有不同的名稱唷!例如專門負責處理水管的水電師傅的英文可以說 ...