Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest to the Sun.
水星是我們太陽系中最小的行星,也是最接近太陽的行星。 -
Mercury has a thin atmosphere composed mainly of oxygen, sodium, and hydrogen.
水星擁有主要由氧氣、鈉和氫組成的薄弱大氣層。 -
The surface of Mercury is covered with impact craters, evidence of its history of collisions with asteroids and comets.
水星的表面布滿了撞擊坑,這是其與小行星和彗星碰撞歷史的證據。 -
Due to its proximity to the Sun, Mercury experiences extreme temperatures, with scorching hot days and freezing cold nights.
由於與太陽的接近,水星經歷極端的溫度,白天極度炎熱,夜晚則極度寒冷。 -
Mercury's orbit is the most eccentric among all the planets in the solar system, meaning its distance from the Sun varies significantly throughout its journey.
水星的軌道是太陽系中最偏心的,這意味著它與太陽的距離在它的運行過程中會有很大的變化。 -
The Mariner 10 and MESSENGER missions provided valuable data and images of Mercury, enhancing our understanding of the planet's geology and composition.
水手10號和MESSENGER任務提供了有價值的水星數據和圖像,增進了我們對該行星的地質和組成的了解。 -
Mercury has a very slow rotation, with one day on Mercury lasting approximately 58 Earth days.
水星的自轉非常緩慢,一個水星日約為58個地球日。 -
Despite its small size, Mercury exhibits a global magnetic field, which is a rare characteristic among rocky planets.
儘管體積較小,水星表現出全球性的磁場,這是岩質行星中罕見的特徵。 -
The extreme temperatures and lack of a substantial atmosphere make Mercury inhospitable for life as we know it.
極端的溫度和缺乏實質大氣層使水星對我們所知的生命來說是不適宜居住的。 -
The BepiColombo mission, a joint effort between the European Space Agency ESA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA, aims to study Mercury in greater detail and unravel its mysteries.
小時候學習天文時,總是聽說太陽系有九大行星,分別是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、天王星、海王星以及冥王星,不過後來冥王星被取消了,因為國際天文聯會認為冥王星是矮行星,不應該被定義為行星,也不能定義為衛星,因此太陽系只剩八大行星 ...