The sparkling wine was filled with tiny bubbles that danced in the glass.
這款起泡酒充滿了在杯中跳躍的微小氣泡。 -
The children giggled with delight as they blew bubbles in the park.
孩子們在公園吹著泡泡,忍不住咯咯笑。 -
The soda had an effervescent quality, and its bubbles tickled the nose.
這種汽水有著冒泡的特性,氣泡刺激著鼻子。 -
The champagne cork popped, and the bubbles frothed over the rim of the glass.
香檳的瓶塞嘶嘶作響,氣泡從杯緣泛起。 -
She blew soap bubbles with a bubble wand, creating beautiful rainbow-colored spheres.
她用泡泡棒吹出肥皂泡,創造出美麗的彩虹色氣泡。 -
The sparkling water was infused with fruit essence, giving it a refreshing taste and extra bubbles.
這款氣泡水添加了水果香精,賦予它清新的口感和更多氣泡。 -
The carbonated drink released a burst of bubbles when the can was opened.
當打開罐子時,這款碳酸飲料釋放出一股氣泡。 -
The champagne flute was filled to the brim with bubbles, making it a celebratory sight.
香檳長杯裝滿了氣泡,讓人看了心情愉悅。 -
The children enjoyed playing with a bubble machine, which blew out a continuous stream of bubbles.
孩子們喜歡玩泡泡機,它可以不斷吹出一股氣泡。 -
The bubbly hot tub provided a relaxing experience with its warm water and effervescent bubbles.
珍珠奶茶幾乎每家手搖飲料店都會賣,其實這在台灣超夯的珍珠奶茶早就已經紅到世界各國去了,甚至還成為 2009 年夏季聽障奧林匹克運動會閉幕式指定特色茶飲,美國還有業者在 2018 年聯合將 4/30 訂為美國的國家珍珠奶茶日「National Bubble Tea Day」呢!有沒 ...