Recommended Daily Intake
The recommended daily intake of water is at least eight glasses.
水的每日建議攝取量至少為八杯。 -
It's important to meet the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals for overall health.
達到維生素和礦物質的每日建議攝取量對於整體健康很重要。 -
The nutrition label on the cereal box indicates the recommended daily intake of nutrients.
早餐穀物盒子上的營養標籤顯示了營養素的每日建議攝取量。 -
The doctor advised her to increase her recommended daily intake of calcium for stronger bones.
醫生建議她增加每日建議攝取量的鈣,以增強骨骼。 -
The recommended daily intake of fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system.
纖維的每日建議攝取量有助於維護健康的消化系統。 -
It's essential to be mindful of the recommended daily intake of sodium to manage blood pressure.
要注意鈉的每日建議攝取量,以控制血壓是很重要的。 -
The nutritionist provided guidelines on meeting the recommended daily intake of protein.
營養師提供了達到蛋白質每日建議攝取量的指南。 -
Consuming fruits and vegetables can help you reach the recommended daily intake of vitamins and antioxidants.
食用水果和蔬菜可以幫助你達到維生素和抗氧化劑的每日建議攝取量。 -
The recommended daily intake of iron is higher for pregnant women due to increased blood volume.
由於血液容積增加,孕婦的鐵的每日建議攝取量較高。 -
Paying attention to the recommended daily intake of calories is important for weight management.
百香果也稱為西番蓮果,學名為 Passiflora edulis,是西番蓮科(學名:Passiflora spp.)的其中一個品種,原產於南美洲,是一種熱帶水果,其外觀獨特,口感豐富,而且擁有令人愉悅的香味,百香果的英文稱為 Passion fruit。以下是有關百香果的一些特點 ...