The silver lake shimmered under the romantic moonlight.
銀色的湖泊在浪漫的月光下閃閃發光。 -
The garden looked magical bathed in the soft glow of moonlight.
花園在柔和的月光照耀下看起來像是神奇的仙境。 -
The couple took a romantic stroll along the beach, guided by the gentle moonlight.
情侶倆在溫柔的月光引導下沿著海灘浪漫散步。 -
The moonlight streamed through the window, casting shadows on the floor.
月光透過窗戶灑落,將影子投射在地板上。 -
The nocturnal creatures emerged from their hiding spots under the cover of moonlight.
夜行動物在月光的掩護下從藏身處現身。 -
The moonlit night was perfect for a late-night picnic under the stars.
月明的夜晚非常適合在星空下進行深夜野餐。 -
The moonlight added a touch of mystery to the old castle's silhouette.
月光為古老城堡的輪廓增添了一絲神秘感。 -
The moonlight shone through the trees, creating a dreamlike atmosphere in the forest.
月光穿過樹林,為森林創造出夢幻般的氛圍。 -
The lake sparkled like a mirror under the clear moonlight.
湖泊在明亮的月光下閃閃發光,宛如鏡子一般。 -
The lovers shared a tender moment, gazing into each other's eyes in the soft moonlight.
台灣的中秋節是一個重要的傳統節日,時間為每年的農曆8月15日,是擁有悠久歷史的節慶之一,台灣人通常會在中秋節烤肉、聚餐、賞月、吃月餅、吃柚子,全家人團聚在一起談天說地,聊聊平時念書或工作的事情,是個家人們情感交流的節日,就算在外地念書或工作,無法趕回家一起團聚,也會傳些祝福語或打 ...