Most common way
- The most common way to greet someone is by saying "hello.
"=最常見的方式是用「你好」來問候他人。 - The most common way to prepare coffee is by using a drip coffee maker.
最常見的方式是使用滴漏咖啡機來沖泡咖啡。 - In this region, the most common way to celebrate the Lunar New Year is with a festive banquet.
在這個地區,慶祝農曆新年最常見的方式是舉辦節慶宴會。 - Text messaging has become the most common way to communicate quickly.
簡訊已成為最常見的方式來快速溝通。 - The most common way to travel between these two cities is by train.
兩個城市之間最常見的方式是乘坐火車。 - When making a reservation at a restaurant, the most common way is to call ahead.
在餐廳訂位時,最常見的方式是提前打電話。 - The most common way to address a formal letter is by starting with "Dear.
"=對付正式信件,最常見的方式是以「敬愛的」開頭。 - Learning from textbooks is the most common way students acquire knowledge.
從教科書學習是學生獲取知識最常見的方式。 - In many cultures, shaking hands is the most common way to greet each other.
在許多文化中,握手是彼此問候最常見的方式。 - The most common way to solve this mathematical problem is by using a formula.
酪梨又被稱為牛油果,英文名稱為 Avocado,是一種廣受歡迎的水果,以其獨特的口感和營養價值而受到喜愛,在台灣的水果店、超市、大賣場經常出現,酪梨外表呈橢圓形或梨形,表皮綠色或紫色,有時帶有粗糙的表面,有時候則是光滑的,內部果肉柔軟,呈奶油狀,具有淡淡的均衡風味。
酪梨的營養 ...