[形容詞] entomological;昆蟲學家:entomologist
- Insects play a vital role in pollinating plants and flowers.
昆蟲在植物和花朵的授粉中扮演著極為重要的角色。 - The children caught fireflies in jars to watch their gentle glow.
孩子們把螢火蟲裝進罐子裡,看它們溫柔的發光。 - Many insects undergo metamorphosis, transforming from larvae to adults.
許多昆蟲經歷變態,從幼蟲變成成蟲。 - The butterfly is one of the most beautiful insects in the world.
蝴蝶是世界上最美麗的昆蟲之一。 - Insects have six legs and typically three body segments.
昆蟲有六條腿,通常有三個身體節段。 - The buzzing of bees filled the air as they gathered nectar from flowers.
蜜蜂從花朵中採集花蜜時,它們的嗡嗡聲充滿了空氣。 - Many insects have wings, allowing them to fly from flower to flower.
許多昆蟲有翅膀,讓它們能夠從花朵飛到花朵。 - The praying mantis is a fascinating insect known for its predatory behavior.
螳螂是一種迷人的昆蟲,以其捕食行為而聞名。 - Ants, bees, and wasps are all examples of social insects that live in colonies.
螞蟻、蜜蜂和黃蜂都是生活在群體中的社會性昆蟲的例子。 - The scientist studied the intricate structure of insect wings under a microscope.
植物標本的英文很多人都誤以為是 herbarium,其實 herbarium 這個單字不是單純的指植物標本喔!它的意思是「植物標本館、植物標本室、植物標本集」的意思,也就是收集了許多植物的展示室或收集冊才稱為 herbarium,單純的植物標本要用別的英文說法來表示。玫瑰花植物標 ...
也許現代化農業因為普遍使用農藥來減少害蟲,所以蔬菜上幾乎很少看到菜蟲,不過在以前,菜蟲是很常見的唷!有些開放參觀的有機農場也可以看到菜蟲出沒,說到這種經常出現在蔬菜上(尤其葉菜類)有點像蠶寶寶卻又是綠色的菜蟲,很多人都以為牠的英文叫做vegetable worm,但其實不是。常見 ...
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