cultural exchange名詞
Cultural exchange promotes understanding and appreciation between different cultures.
文化交流促進了不同文化之間的理解和欣賞。 -
The university organizes cultural exchange programs to foster global awareness among students.
大學組織文化交流計劃,培養學生的全球意識。 -
The festival serves as a platform for cultural exchange, showcasing traditions from around the world.
這個節日作為一個文化交流平台,展示了來自世界各地的傳統。 -
Cultural exchange enriches our perspectives and broadens our horizons.
文化交流豐富了我們的視野,拓寬了我們的視界。 -
The exchange program allows students to immerse themselves in a different culture and experience cultural exchange firsthand.
交流計劃使學生能夠沉浸在不同的文化中,第一手體驗文化交流。 -
The city promotes cultural exchange by hosting international art exhibitions and performances.
這座城市通過舉辦國際藝術展覽和演出來促進文化交流。 -
Cultural exchange fosters mutual respect and promotes peace and harmony among nations.
文化交流培養了相互尊重,促進了國家間的和平與和諧。 -
The organization facilitates cultural exchange programs between schools in different countries.
這個組織促進了不同國家學校之間的文化交流計劃。 -
Cultural exchange allows for the sharing of ideas, traditions, and values across borders.
文化交流促使跨越國界的思想、傳統和價值觀的共享。 -
The conference serves as a platform for cultural exchange and dialogue among scholars and experts.
萬聖節是許多西方國家在每年十月最重要的節日之一,包含美國、加拿大、澳洲、英國、紐西蘭都很盛行萬聖節,隨著東西方文化交流也讓萬聖節成為了台灣蠻多人會在過的節日(這大概也要歸功於商人吧!?),特別是年輕族群或幼兒園幾乎都會有萬聖節活動,每到萬聖節前夕,許多街頭廣場、大賣場、百貨公司 ...