- The new technology has changed the way people communicate and interact.
新技術改變了人們的溝通和互動方式。 - The company's innovative approach has changed the landscape of the industry.
該公司的創新方法改變了行業格局。 - The introduction of online shopping has changed the traditional retail industry.
網上購物的推出改變了傳統零售業。 - The recent policy changes have changed the business environment and affected market trends.
最近的政策變化改變了商業環境,影響了市場趨勢。 - The pandemic has changed consumer behavior, with more people shifting to online shopping.
疫情改變了消費者行為,更多人轉向網上購物。 - The company's rebranding efforts have changed the public's perception of the brand.
該公司的重新品牌努力改變了公眾對該品牌的認知。 - Technological advancements have changed the way businesses operate and reach their customers.
技術進步改變了企業運營和觸及客戶的方式。 - The new product launch has changed the competitive landscape in the market.
新產品的推出改變了市場上的競爭格局。 - The management team's strategic decision-making has changed the direction of the company.
管理團隊的戰略決策改變了公司的發展方向。 - The cultural shift towards sustainability has changed consumers' preferences for eco-friendly products.
人類自古代就會划船,人類靠著划船的方式,改變了許多人類的生活、捕魚、娛樂、甚至文明,例如亞馬遜叢林探險或義大利威尼斯的水都河上交通,今天我們就來學習划船的英文說法,很常用到唷!划船的英文最常見的說法是 row,意思是「划船、划槳」,Row 可以用作動詞或名詞使用。
Row ...
端午節不只是東亞生活圈的重要節日,也是臺灣人闔家團圓的一個重要節日,端午節的日期是每年的農曆五月五日,大約是國曆的六月份,西方世界也有許多人會想認識我們的端午節,這篇就來幫大家介紹端午節常用到的一些英文說法,也許在英文寫作或與外國朋友聊天時可以用得上,本篇文章以端午節的由來及習俗 ...