Salespeople are trained in the art of persuasion to excel in selling products.
推銷人員接受推銷技巧的培訓,以優秀地銷售產品。 -
He has a natural talent for sales and can persuade almost anyone to buy.
他具有天生的推銷才能,幾乎可以說服任何人購買。 -
The company launched a new advertising campaign to boost sales.
公司推出了新的廣告宣傳活動以提升銷售。 -
She used her charm and wit to make the sales pitch more appealing.
她利用她的魅力和智慧讓推銷宣傳更具吸引力。 -
Effective sales techniques involve understanding customer needs and desires.
有效的推銷技巧包括了解客戶的需求和慾望。 -
The sales team brainstormed ideas to create a compelling sales presentation.
銷售團隊集思廣益,創造了一個引人注目的銷售簡報。 -
Discounts and promotions are common tactics to drive sales.
折扣和促銷是推動銷售的常見策略。 -
The salesman used persuasive language to close the deal.
銷售員使用說服性的語言來成交。 -
Online shopping platforms offer various tools to facilitate sales.
線上購物平台提供各種工具來促進銷售。 -
The company hired a consultant to improve its sales strategies.
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