sweep the grave動詞
[動詞] sweep the tombs, to visit grave, to visit a tomb ; [名詞] grave sweeping, graveside rituals, tomb sweeping
- During Qingming Festival, families sweep the graves of their ancestors as a sign of respect.
清明節期間,家庭掃墓以示尊敬祖先。 - The tradition of sweeping the grave involves cleaning the tombstone and clearing the surrounding area.
掃墓的傳統包括清理墓碑和墓地周圍的地面。 - Every year, we gather as a family to sweep the graves and offer prayers to our ancestors.
每年,我們家庭聚集在一起掃墓並向祖先祈禱。 - She brought fresh flowers to the cemetery to place on her father's grave when she swept it.
她在掃墓時帶來新鮮的花放在父親的墳墓上。 - The act of sweeping the grave is a way to show reverence and gratitude to those who came before us.
掃墓的行為是向我們的先輩表達敬意和感激之情的方式。 - We spent the morning at the cemetery, sweeping the graves and remembering our loved ones.
我們在早上在墓地度過,掃墓並紀念我們的親人。 - The children helped their grandparents sweep the graves, learning about the importance of the tradition.
孩子們幫助祖父母掃墓,了解這一傳統的重要性。 - After sweeping the grave, they burned incense and offered food as part of the ritual.
掃墓後,他們燃燒香燭並獻上食物作為儀式的一部分。 - The cemetery was filled with families and friends, all coming together to sweep the graves of their loved ones.
墓地裡擠滿了家庭和朋友,大家都聚在一起掃墓祭拜他們的親人。 - As the sun rose, we completed the solemn task of sweeping the graves, feeling a sense of connection to our ancestors.
清明節(Qingming Festival 或 Ching Ming festival)是臺灣非常重要的一個節日,其實清明原本只是二十四節氣之一,在春分之後,穀雨之前,時間為每年陽曆4月4日或5日太陽到達黃經15°時開始,通常落在國曆4月4日或4月5日其中一天,經過數千年 ...