We must defend our rights to free speech and expression.
我們必須捍衛我們的言論和表達自由。 -
It's our duty to defend the environment for future generations.
捍衛環境為後代負起了我們的責任。 -
The soldiers bravely defended the country against the enemy.
士兵們勇敢地捍衛國家免受敵人侵犯。 -
We will defend our values against any threats.
我們將捍衛我們的價值觀不受任何威脅。 -
The lawyer will defend the accused in court.
律師將在法庭上為被告辯護。 -
We must defend our democracy from those who seek to undermine it.
我們必須捍衛我們的民主不受那些企圖破壞它的人的影響。 -
It's important to defend the rights of marginalized communities.
捍衛那些被邊緣化社區的權利是非常重要的。 -
The team captain vowed to defend their championship title.
隊長發誓要捍衛他們的冠軍頭銜。 -
The activists are rallying to defend endangered species.
活動家正在集結力量捍衛瀕臨絕種的物種。 -
We must defend the principles of justice and fairness.
說到「保持」這件事情,我們通常會想到 keep 與 maintain 這兩個英文單字,例如保持專注目標英文就是 Keep focused on goals,保持團隊的效率則可以說 Maintain team efficiency,英文裡的 keep 和 maintain 都是表示 ...