The potter carefully shaped the clay on the wheel to create a beautiful vase.
陶藝家在車輪上仔細塑造泥土,創造出一個美麗的花瓶。 -
The sculptor used a chisel and hammer to shape the marble into a lifelike statue.
雕塑家使用鑿子和錘子將大理石塑造成一個逼真的雕像。 -
The designer shaped the wire into the form of a heart to make a unique piece of jewelry.
設計師將金屬線塑造成心形,製作出一件獨特的珠寶。 -
The chef used a mold to shape the melted chocolate into decorative shapes for the cake.
廚師使用模具將融化的巧克力塑造成蛋糕的裝飾形狀。 -
The potter's hands skillfully shaped the clay into a delicate teapot.
陶藝家巧手將黏土巧妙地塑造成壹個精緻的茶壺。 -
The trainer helped the athlete shape his body through a rigorous exercise regimen.
教練通過嚴格的鍛煉計劃幫助運動員塑造身體。 -
The artist used a variety of brushes to shape the strokes and texture in the painting.
藝術家使用各種不同的筆刷來塑造畫中的筆觸和質感。 -
The wind and water shaped the rocky cliffs over thousands of years.
風和水在數千年的時間里塑造了崎嶇的懸崖。 -
The architect carefully shaped the building's design to blend in with the surrounding landscape.
建筑師精心設計了建筑物的形態,使其與周圍的景觀融為壹體。 -
The parents play a significant role in shaping their child's values and beliefs.
百頁豆腐在台灣傳統的小吃如滷味攤、鹽酥雞攤及火鍋店中常見的食材,最早是從中國傳來的,傳統的百頁豆腐是利用壓力的方式將豆腐加壓成形,可以做成各式各樣的傳統小吃,不過現在市面上的百頁豆腐則通常用原料調製而做成的,例如大豆蛋白、油脂、澱粉、蛋白粉、調味料 ... 等,也因此有種百頁豆腐 ...