He expressed his affection for her with a heartfelt love letter.
他用一封由衷的情書表達對她的愛意。 -
The couple's affection for each other was evident in their tender gestures.
這對夫妻彼此之間的愛意在他們溫柔的舉動中顯而易見。 -
She showed her affection for the stray kitten by taking it home and caring for it.
她帶著流浪的小貓回家照顧它,表達對它的愛意。 -
Their years of marriage had only deepened their affection for one another.
多年的婚姻生活只讓他們之間的愛意更加深厚。 -
The old couple still held hands, a touching display of their enduring affection.
這對老夫妻依然手牽手,這是他們持久愛意的感人展示。 -
He showered her with gifts and affection to show how much she meant to him.
他送給她禮物並表達愛意,以示她對他的重要性。 -
The mother's eyes were filled with affection as she looked at her newborn baby.
母親看著她的新生嬰兒時,眼中充滿了愛意。 -
The dog wagged its tail and licked its owner, displaying its affection.
狗搖著尾巴,舔了舔主人,表達著它的愛意。 -
He hugged his friend tightly, unable to hide the affection he felt for him.
他緊緊地擁抱著朋友,無法掩飾對他的愛意。 -
The couple shared a warm embrace, their affection evident to all who saw them.
The story of Valentine's Day is a sweet one.
話說很久很久以前,有個叫聖瓦倫丁的牧師,他超級喜歡幫助戀人們互相表達愛意,特別是當時羅馬皇帝克勞狄二世規定年輕人不能結婚,因為他覺得單身的士兵比較 ...