Loved One
Beloved ones are the closest companions in life, sharing selfless love with each other.
愛人是生活中最親密的伴侶,彼此擁有無私的愛。 -
They are each other's beloved, embracing and sharing a lifetime together.
他們是彼此的愛人,相擁而眠,共度一生。 -
Finding a true beloved in this world is not an easy task.
在這個世界上,找到一個知心的愛人並不容易。 -
She always regards him as her dearest beloved, never leaving his side through thick and thin.
她總是把他當成她的至親至愛的愛人,無論風吹雨打都不離不棄。 -
Watching her embrace her beloved, we all feel happiness and warmth.
看著她與她的愛人相擁,我們都感到幸福和溫暖。 -
Their love, after enduring the trials of many years, remains as strong as ever, each being the most important beloved to the other.
他們的愛情經過多年的風雨洗禮,依然如初,彼此都是對方最重要的愛人。 -
Her beloved is an indispensable part of her life, willing to face difficulties and challenges together.
她的愛人對她來說是生活中不可或缺的一部分,無論困難或挑戰都願與之共度。 -
In this cold winter night, a warm embrace awaits her beloved.
在這個寒冷的冬夜裡,有一個溫暖的懷抱等待著她的愛人。 -
The understanding between beloved ones requires no words; they know each other's hearts well.
愛人間的默契是無需言語的,他們彼此心知肚明。 -
When we face difficulties, having a strong beloved by our side gives us courage and peace of mind.
台灣人常說的「青梅竹馬」在英文中可以翻譯為「childhood sweetheart」,意思是從小一起長大、感情深厚的戀人,有著深厚的情感基礎,這個詞語由兩個字組成:
因此,字面意思是「童年的愛人」,這個 ...
英文諺語 bring home the bacon 字面上的意思是把培根帶回家,沒事特地把培根帶回家是什麼寓意?其實這句諺語來自於古早時期,的中文意思是「賺錢養家」,各位都知道,在古老時期,培根及其他肉類被視為奢侈品,只有富裕家庭才能負擔,因此,把培根帶回家就象徵著賺錢回家、維持 ...