attach importance to
value greatly
The company attaches great importance to employee well-being and work-life balance.
公司很重視員工的健康和工作與生活的平衡。 -
Parents often attach great importance to their children's education and development.
父母經常很重視子女的教育和成長。 -
The organization values greatly the input and ideas of its members.
這個組織很重視成員的貢獻和想法。 -
The team leader attaches importance to open communication and collaboration.
團隊領導者很重視開放的溝通和合作。 -
Many cultures attach great importance to family traditions and customs.
許多文化很重視家庭傳統和習俗。 -
Personal growth and self-improvement are values greatly by individuals seeking success.
個人成長和自我提升是那些追求成功的人很重視的價值觀。 -
The company's leadership attaches importance to fostering a positive work culture.
公司的領導層很重視培養積極的工作文化。 -
The teacher attaches great importance to student engagement and participation in class.
老師很重視學生在課堂上的參與和投入。 -
Environmental sustainability is a value greatly by individuals who care about the planet.
環境可持續性是那些關心地球的人很重視的價值觀。 -
Attaching importance to continuous learning is crucial for personal and professional development.
荷包蛋幾乎可以說是台灣人在家裡最常吃的一種蛋料理了,就連傳統早餐店也可以單點荷包蛋或是夾在饅頭裡吃,麥當勞早餐的滿福堡加蛋也是相當好吃,不過也許對台灣人來說,荷包蛋就是那麼簡單的東西,對外國人來說可不是這樣,不同國家、地區對荷包蛋的做法習慣有所差異,於是衍伸出了許多不同的荷包蛋英 ...