video streaming
- Video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu have become very popular.
像Netflix和Hulu這樣的影片串流服務變得非常流行。 - Do you prefer to watch movies through video streaming or traditional DVD rentals?
你更喜歡透過影片串流觀看電影還是傳統的DVD租借? - Video streaming allows you to watch your favorite shows on-demand.
影片串流允許你隨時觀看你喜愛的節目。 - The quality of video streaming has improved significantly in recent years.
近年來,影片串流的品質有了顯著提高。 - With high-speed internet, video streaming in 4K resolution is now possible.
憑藉高速網際網路,現在可以達到4K分辨率的影片串流。 - Many people have subscribed to multiple video streaming platforms for a variety of content.
許多人已經訂閱了多個影片串流平台,以獲得各種內容。 - The convenience of video streaming allows you to watch movies and TV shows on your tablet or smartphone.
影片串流的便利性允許你在平板電腦或智慧型手機上觀看電影和電視節目。 - Some video streaming services offer a free trial period for new subscribers.
一些影片串流服務為新訂戶提供免費試用期。 - Video streaming has changed the way we consume entertainment media.
影片串流已經改變了我們消費娛樂媒體的方式。 - The popularity of video streaming has led to the decline of traditional cable TV subscriptions.
5G行動網路的5G,指的是第五代行動通訊技術(5th-Generation Mobile Communication Technology,簡稱為 5G),是目前最新一代的行動通訊技術。
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