The dimensions of the new smartphone are designed to be sleek and portable.
新款智慧手機的尺寸設計為纖薄且便攜。 -
When buying furniture, it's important to consider the dimensions to ensure a proper fit in the room.
購買家具時,考慮尺寸是確保在房間內合適擺放的重要因素。 -
The architect provided detailed dimensions for each room in the building plans.
建築師在建築平面圖上提供了每個房間的詳細尺寸。 -
Airlines have specific dimensions for carry-on luggage to ensure it fits in overhead compartments.
航空公司對隨身行李有特定的尺寸要求,以確保它能放入頭等艙。 -
The dimensions of the artwork determine the size of the frame needed for display.
藝術品的尺寸確定了展示所需的畫框大小。 -
When designing a room, considering the dimensions of furniture is crucial for creating a balanced layout.
在設計房間時,考慮家具的尺寸對於建立平衡的布局極為重要。 -
Standard dimensions for kitchen cabinets make it easier for homeowners to choose appliances that fit.
廚櫃的標準尺寸使屋主更容易選擇合適的家電。 -
The dimensions of the shipping box must comply with postal service regulations.
運送包裹的尺寸必須符合郵政服務的規定。 -
The builder provided the client with a blueprint that included the dimensions of each room.
建築師向客戶提供了一份藍圖,其中包括每個房間的尺寸。 -
Accurate dimensions are crucial in the manufacturing process to ensure the proper fit of components.
台積電董事長魏哲家在2024/6/7的法說會上公佈了公司五月份的最新財報,在會議上也提到:「市場都說台積電價格是最貴,但以客戶拿到的 Die 來看,台積電的晶圓就是比別人好」,魏哲家董事長提到的Die是什麼意思呢?
魏董說的 Die,指的是晶圓(wafer)上切割出來的晶粒,晶 ...
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