Small Celestial Object
Asteroids are small celestial objects that orbit the Sun, mainly found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
小行星是繞著太陽運行的小型天體,主要分布於火星和木星之間的小行星帶。 -
Comets are small icy bodies that develop a bright tail when they approach the Sun due to sublimation of their ices.
彗星是小型冰質天體,當它們靠近太陽時,由於冰的升華會產生明亮的尾巴。 -
Meteoroids are small rocks or particles in space, and when they enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up, they are called meteors.
流星體是太空中的小型岩石或粒子,當它們進入地球的大氣層並燃燒時,被稱為流星。 -
Dwarf planets, such as Pluto and Eris, are considered small celestial objects that are not large enough to be classified as full-fledged planets.
矮行星,如冥王星和厄里斯,被認為是小型天體,不足夠大來被歸類為完整的行星。 -
Trans-Neptunian objects TNOs are small celestial bodies that exist beyond the orbit of Neptune, including Kuiper Belt objects and scattered disk objects.
超越海王星天體TNOs是存在於海王星軌道之外的小天體,包括柯伊伯帶天體和散佈盤天體。 -
Some small celestial objects, like meteoroids and comets, pose potential threats if they collide with Earth.
一些小型天體,如流星體和彗星,如果與地球相撞,可能會構成潛在的威脅。 -
The discovery of new small celestial objects in the outer solar system has expanded our knowledge of the region.
在外太陽系發現新的小天體擴展了我們對這個區域的認識。 -
The study of small celestial objects helps astronomers understand the early history of the solar system.
小型天體的研究幫助天文學家了解太陽系的早期歷史。 -
Some small celestial objects, such as asteroids, have been targets for space missions to study their composition and potential resource utilization.
一些小型天體,如小行星,已成為太空任務的目標,以研究它們的組成和潛在的資源利用。 -
The study of small celestial objects in our solar system provides insights into the formation and evolution of planetary systems.
流星的成因是來自太陽系內外太空的塵埃粒子或固體碎塊,在受到地球引力的吸引下,進入地球大氣層,與大氣層中的空氣摩擦燃燒,而發出耀眼光芒的現象,這種外太空衝進地球的塊狀物質在英文裡有兩種說法,分別是 meteor 及 meteorite,這兩者的解釋不同,一個是流 ...