The government implemented strict measures to combat the spread of the contagious disease.
政府實施了嚴格措施,以對抗傳染病的傳播。 -
Special forces were deployed to combat the terrorist threat and protect national security.
特種部隊被派遣對抗恐怖主義威脅,保護國家安全。 -
The organization is actively working to combat climate change and promote sustainable practices.
該組織積極努力對抗氣候變化,促進可持續實踐。 -
Scientists are researching new drugs to combat drug-resistant bacteria.
科學家正在研究新藥物來對抗耐藥細菌。 -
Community education plays a vital role in combating misinformation and promoting awareness.
社區教育在對抗錯誤信息和提高認識方面發揮著至關重要的作用。 -
The united effort of healthcare workers and the public helped combat the outbreak of the deadly virus.
醫護人員和公眾的共同努力幫助對抗了這種致命病毒的爆發。 -
International cooperation is essential to combat transnational crimes such as human trafficking and drug smuggling.
國際合作對於對抗跨國犯罪,如人口販運和毒品走私至關重要。 -
The military developed advanced technologies to combat cyber threats and safeguard national infrastructure.
軍方開發了先進技術,以對抗網絡威脅,保障國家基礎設施安全。 -
The organization launched a campaign to combat hunger and provide food assistance to vulnerable communities.
該組織發起了一場對抗飢餓的運動,向弱勢社區提供食品援助。 -
Community leaders collaborated with law enforcement to combat gang violence and improve neighborhood safety.
萬聖節是許多西方國家在每年十月最重要的節日之一,包含美國、加拿大、澳洲、英國、紐西蘭都很盛行萬聖節,隨著東西方文化交流也讓萬聖節成為了台灣蠻多人會在過的節日(這大概也要歸功於商人吧!?),特別是年輕族群或幼兒園幾乎都會有萬聖節活動,每到萬聖節前夕,許多街頭廣場、大賣場、百貨公司 ...