Precious Time
Spending quality time with loved ones is a way to cherish precious time.
與親人共度美好時光是珍惜寶貴時光的方式。 -
In our busy lives, we often forget to appreciate the value of precious time.
在繁忙的生活中,我們常常忘記珍惜寶貴時光的價值。 -
Retirement allows people to enjoy their precious time without work-related stress.
退休使人們能夠在無工作壓力的情況下享受寶貴時光。 -
Traveling to new places can create memories that last a lifetime.
到新地方旅行可以創造一生難忘的回憶。 -
The birth of a child is a moment of pure joy and precious time for parents.
孩子的出生是父母純淨喜悅和寶貴時光的時刻。 -
Taking a walk in nature allows you to unwind and appreciate the beauty of the world.
在大自然中散步讓你能夠放鬆,欣賞世界的美麗。 -
Precious time is often best spent on activities that bring fulfillment and happiness.
寶貴時光通常最好用在能帶來滿足和幸福的活動上。 -
Family gatherings during the holidays are a wonderful way to make the most of precious time.
假期期間的家庭聚會是充分利用寶貴時光的好方式。 -
A sunset at the beach is a perfect setting to reflect on the precious moments in life.
海灘上的夕陽是反思生活中寶貴時光的完美場景。 -
When you appreciate the present, you make the most of every precious moment.
台灣的中秋節是一個重要的傳統節日,時間為每年的農曆8月15日,是擁有悠久歷史的節慶之一,台灣人通常會在中秋節烤肉、聚餐、賞月、吃月餅、吃柚子,全家人團聚在一起談天說地,聊聊平時念書或工作的事情,是個家人們情感交流的節日,就算在外地念書或工作,無法趕回家一起團聚,也會傳些祝福語或打 ...