- The substance of his argument was based on solid evidence.
他的論點的實質基於堅實的證據。 - We need to focus on the substance of the issue rather than getting caught up in minor details.
我們需要專注於問題的實質,而不是陷入細節之中。 - The substance of the report highlighted the need for immediate action.
報告的實質強調了需要立即採取行動。 - His speech lacked substance; it was all empty promises.
他的演講缺乏實質,全都是空洞的承諾。 - The essence of the book lies in its profound insights into human nature.
這本書的實質在於其對人性的深刻洞察。 - The substance of the contract outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
合約的實質概述了雙方的權利和責任。 - The meeting lacked substance as no concrete decisions were made.
會議缺乏實質,因為沒有做出具體的決定。 - She provided evidence to support the substance of her argument.
她提供了證據來支持她論點的實質。 - The substance of his speech resonated with the audience and sparked meaningful discussions.
他演講的實質引起了觀眾的共鳴,引發了有意義的討論。 - The substance of the matter is that we need to find a solution quickly.
空虛感是一種複雜的情緒,可以有多種不同的表現形式,通常虛度光陰或沒有什麼實質的成就感時,就容易產生空虛感,在英文中,emptiness 是比較貼近空虛的意思,有點類似 empty 這單字,例如"我感到空虛。"的英文可以說 I feel emptiness 或 I feel emp ...
在這個忙碌的社會中,偶爾還是會有一些比較空閒的時間要打發,當你閒閒沒事做,想打發時間的時候,通常第一時間會想到 kill time 這個說法,這句的意思其實就是中文說的殺時間或打發時間,也是最多人用的說法,其實打發時間的英文說法有很多,除了 kill time 之外,最常見的還有 ...