[形容詞] marital
Marriage is a legally or socially recognized union between two people, usually involving romantic or sexual attraction and a commitment to each other.
婚姻是一個在法律或社會上被承認的兩個人之間的聯合,通常涉及浪漫或性吸引力以及對彼此的承諾。 -
They had a beautiful wedding ceremony and exchanged their vows of marriage in front of family and friends.
他們舉行了一個美麗的婚禮,並在家人和朋友面前交換了結婚誓言。 -
Many couples choose to have children after they get married and start building a family together.
許多夫妻在結婚後選擇要孩子,開始一起建立家庭。 -
Marriage is not only about love and commitment, but also about communication and compromise.
婚姻不僅是關於愛和承諾,也關乎溝通和妥協。 -
In many cultures, marriage is seen as a sacred union between two people that should last a lifetime.
在許多文化中,婚姻被視為兩個人之間的神聖聯合,應該持續一生。 -
The institution of marriage has evolved over time and varies across different cultures and societies.
婚姻制度隨著時間的推移而演變,在不同的文化和社會中也有所不同。 -
Marriage counseling can help couples work through issues and strengthen their relationship.
婚姻輔導可以幫助夫妻解決問題,加強他們的關係。 -
In some countries, arranged marriage is still a common practice where the families of the bride and groom arrange the marriage without the couple's input.
在一些國家,包辦婚姻仍然是一種常見的做法,新郎和新娘的家庭安排婚姻而不需要夫妻雙方的參與。 -
Marriage equality is the belief that all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, should have the right to marry.
婚姻平等是一種信仰,認為所有個體,不論其性取向,都應有結婚的權利。 -
Divorce is a legal process that dissolves a marriage and allows individuals to legally separate and end their marital obligations.
I am divorced.
也許很多人都在美國影集中聽過 Madam 這種稱呼,這個 Madam 是英語中用於稱呼女性的尊稱,通常用於正式場合,它可以翻譯成中文的“夫人”、“女士”或“太太”,相當實用的一種尊稱,Madam 的用法如下: ...
Miss 和 Mrs. 是英語中用於稱呼女性的尊稱,但是很多人都很常搞混,為了讓大家更能輕鬆掌握這兩個女性稱呼的實際用法,筆者整理了 Miss 與 Mrs 的差異及使用說明如下:
Miss 用於稱呼未婚女性,通常用於姓氏之前,例如 Miss Smith 或 Miss ...
英文裡的 Mr. 是 Mister 的縮寫,是對男性的尊稱,無論婚姻狀況如何,都可以用它來稱呼任何成年男性,它通常用於姓氏之前,例如“Mr. Smith” 或“Mr. John Smith ”,在正式場合,也可以用於全名之前,例如& ...
因為用搜尋引擎翻譯徵信社,竟然獲得 credit bureau 這樣的答案,有點傻眼,可能現階段的搜尋引擎還無法判斷徵信社究竟是什麼樣的機構,也許未來的搜尋引擎會更聰明,筆者先說,徵信社的英文不叫 credit bureau 唷!這個 credit bureau 其實是一個數據收 ...