- She used euphemistic language to soften the blow of the bad news.
她用委婉的措辭來減輕壞消息帶來的衝擊。 - The doctor delivered the diagnosis in a euphemistic manner to the patient's family.
醫生以委婉的方式向病人的家人傳達了診斷結果。 - Instead of saying "fired," the company used a euphemistic term like "let go.
" 公司沒有說“開除”,而是使用了委婉的措辭,比如“解雇”。 - Politicians often use euphemistic language to avoid controversy.
政治人物經常使用委婉的措辭來避免爭議。 - He described the situation in euphemistic terms to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.
他用委婉的措辭描述了這種情況,以避免傷害任何人的感情。 - The obituary used euphemistic language to announce the passing of a loved one.
訃聞使用了委婉的措辭宣告親人的離世。 - Instead of saying "old," she used the euphemistic term "vintage.
" 她沒有說“老”,而是使用了委婉的措辭“復古”。 - She euphemistically referred to her breakup as "going our separate ways.
" 她委婉地把分手稱作“各自走開”。 - The company's euphemistic language about layoffs fooled no one.
公司對於裁員的委婉措辭沒有蒙蔽任何人。 - Parents often use euphemistic terms to discuss sensitive topics with their children.
裁員的英文說法最常見的是 lay off,也可以用 let go 或 downsize,這三種常見的說法雖然都可以用來表示裁員,不過它們彼此之間還是有些許差異,一起來看看。
Lay off是最正式的說法,通常是指公司為了降低成本或提高效率而解僱員工。
Let go的意思比 ...
有些情況會需要要求對方排隊,例如你有一家生意很好的商店,你希望消費者可以根據設計好的動線排隊購買商品,你可以立一個請排隊的牌子或張貼說明海報,又或者你想糾正插隊的人,請對方照大家的規則排隊,請排隊的英文最常見的說法是 Please line up,這句的字面解釋很簡單,Line ...
Excuse me, may I use your restroom?
Excuse me, do you mind if I use ...