kohlrabi, German turnip
- The price of turnip is usually very cheap.
大頭菜的價格通常很便宜。 -
This site has many recipes for turnip.
這個網站有許多大頭菜的食譜。 -
The cold turnip is a very good dish for summer.
涼伴大頭菜是很適合夏天的料理。 -
The turnip can be used to cook ribs soup.
大頭菜可以用來煮排骨湯。 -
The turnip is native to the Nordic coast.
大頭菜原產於北歐沿海一帶。 -
The abundance season of turnip is from late autumn to early spring.
大頭菜的盛產季節從深秋到初春。 -
Turnip contains approximately 93% water.
大頭菜含有大約有 93% 左右的水。 - The turnip has a sugar content of only 3.6 grams and is classified as a vegetable in the nutrition classification.
大頭菜的醣類含量只有 3.6 公克,在營養學分類上被列為蔬菜。 -
The turnip contains vitamins B1, B2, B6 and niacin.
大頭菜含維生素B1、B2、B6、菸鹼酸。 -
The turnip contains minerals such as iron, sodium, potassium and calcium.
大頭菜含有鐵、鈉、鉀、鈣等礦物質。 -
Pickled turnip usually contains high levels of sodium and cannot be eaten too much.
醃製大頭菜通常含有較高的鈉,不能吃太多。 -
Eating turnip can add fiber.
也許現代化農業因為普遍使用農藥來減少害蟲,所以蔬菜上幾乎很少看到菜蟲,不過在以前,菜蟲是很常見的唷!有些開放參觀的有機農場也可以看到菜蟲出沒,說到這種經常出現在蔬菜上(尤其葉菜類)有點像蠶寶寶卻又是綠色的菜蟲,很多人都以為牠的英文叫做vegetable worm,但其實不是。常見 ...