Our company values diversity and strives to create a diverse and inclusive workplace.
我們公司重視多元性,並致力於打造一個多元且包容的工作環境。 -
The city is known for its diverse cultural heritage and vibrant arts scene.
這座城市以其多元的文化遺產和充滿活力的藝術場景而聞名。 -
The university offers a diverse range of academic programs to cater to different student interests.
這所大學提供各種多元的學術課程,以迎合不同學生的興趣。 -
The conference featured a panel of speakers from diverse backgrounds.
這次會議邀請了來自不同背景的演講嘉賓。 -
Our team is made up of individuals with diverse skills and expertise.
我們的團隊由具有多樣技能和專業知識的人組成。 -
The restaurant offers a diverse menu, featuring cuisines from around the world.
這家餐廳提供多元的菜單,展示了來自世界各地的美食。 -
The organization is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its operations.
這個組織致力於在其所有業務領域中推廣多元性和包容性。 -
The city's multicultural community celebrates its diverse traditions and customs.
這座城市的多元文化社區慶祝著不同的傳統和習俗。 -
The art exhibition showcased a diverse range of artistic styles and mediums.
這次藝術展示展示了各種多元的藝術風格和媒介。 -
The country's economy benefits from its diverse industries, including manufacturing, technology, and tourism.
台灣人的早餐文化很豐富,反映了多元的飲食傳統與口味偏好,早餐在台灣被視為一天中重要的一餐,不僅填飽肚子,更是社交交流與家庭情感的重要場合,不過忙碌的台灣人也經常不在家吃早餐,人們通常會選擇在便利商店、早餐店、小攤販、街邊攤或傳統市場購買美味的早點,台灣的早餐也稱為早點,等於英文的 ...