dark green名詞
Emerald green, Hunter green, Viridian
The deep green leaves of the forest rustled in the gentle breeze.
森林中墨綠色的樹葉在微風中沙沙作響。 -
She wore a striking dark green gown to the gala, standing out among the crowd.
她穿著一條引人注目的墨綠色禮服參加晚宴,在人群中脫穎而出。 -
The walls of the study were painted in a rich dark green, creating a cozy and studious atmosphere.
書房的牆壁被涂成了豐富的墨綠色,營造出一種舒適而用功的氛圍。 -
The dark green pine trees stood tall and majestic against the backdrop of the mountains.
墨綠色的松樹在山脈的背景下矗立著,高聳而威嚴。 -
The dark green moss covered the forest floor, adding a lush carpet of color.
墨綠色的苔蘚覆蓋著森林地面,增添了一片色彩繁茂的地毯。 -
The artist used dark green strokes to depict the dense foliage of the jungle.
藝術家使用墨綠色的筆觸描繪出叢林的茂密植被。 -
The dark green waters of the lake reflected the surrounding forest like a mirror.
湖水的墨綠色反射出周圍森林的景色,宛如一面鏡子。 -
The dark green velvet curtains added an air of elegance to the grand ballroom.
墨綠色天鵝絨窗簾為大型舞廳增添了一份優雅。 -
The dark green foliage of the garden provided a cool retreat from the summer heat.
花園裡墨綠色的葉子為夏日的酷熱提供了一個涼爽的避風港。 -
The dark green army uniforms blended seamlessly with the dense forest, camouflaging the soldiers.
你認識那些顏色的英文單字呢?在日常生活中,除了常見的紅色、黃色、藍色、綠色、黑色、白色這些基本的顏色之外,還有許多不同的顏色,為了清楚表達各種顏色,這些不同的顏色還會有不同的英文名稱,這裡我們就整理了各種常見的顏色英文說法對照表,包含 16 進位色碼讓各位清楚認識他們。顏色中文顏 ...
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