stem tuber名詞
Potato is a common stem tuber crop grown worldwide.
馬鈴薯是一種全球常見的塊莖作物。 -
Stem tubers store nutrients for the plant to use during growth.
塊莖為植物在生長期間儲存營養。 -
Farmers harvest stem tubers like potatoes and yams for food.
農民收穫塊莖,如馬鈴薯和山藥,用作食物。 -
Sweet potatoes are an example of a nutritious stem tuber.
番薯是一種營養豐富的塊莖的例子。 -
Stem tubers have nodes from which new shoots can grow.
塊莖具有節點,新芽可以從其中生長。 -
The eyes of a stem tuber are where new growth emerges.
塊莖的「眼睛」是新生長出的地方。 -
Some stem tubers, like taro, are used in traditional dishes.
一些塊莖,如芋頭,在傳統菜餚中被使用。 -
Stem tubers are swollen, underground plant structures.
塊莖是膨脹的地下植物結構。 -
The stem tuber of a potato plant can be white, red, or purple.
馬鈴薯植物的塊莖可以是白色、紅色或紫色的。 -
Tubers like cassava and sweet potatoes are staple foods in many regions.
山藥是非常營養的植物,可以用來燉山藥排骨湯、山藥雞湯、涼拌山藥黑木耳,甚至是加鮮奶打成山藥牛奶都很棒,你知道山藥的英文要怎麼說嗎?如果在搜尋引擎直接找「山藥英文」會出現下方這樣的結果,所以有些人就誤以為山藥的英文是 Yam,其實山藥不能只叫 Yam 唷!Yam 代表很多種東西。