[名詞] bike, cycling(騎單車的名詞)
- Riding a bicycle is a great way to stay active and explore the city.
騎單車是保持活力和探索城市的好方法。 - She rode her bicycle to the park, enjoying the cool breeze on her face.
她騎單車去了公園,享受涼爽的微風拂過臉龐。 - Bicycles are a common sight in this city, with dedicated lanes for cyclists.
單車在這座城市中是司空見慣的,專門為騎單車者設定了專用車道。 - Riding a bicycle allows you to explore narrow alleys and hidden gems of the city.
騎單車讓你可以探索城市中的狹窄巷道和隱藏的寶藏。 - He spent the afternoon fixing the gears on his bicycle, preparing for a long ride.
他花了下午的時間修理他的單車齒輪,準備進行一次長途騎行。 - Bicycles are an eco-friendly mode of transportation, reducing carbon emissions.
單車是一種環保的交通工具,可以減少碳排放。 - They went on a leisurely bicycle ride through the countryside, enjoying the scenic views.
他們騎單車悠閒地穿過鄉間,享受著風景。 - She taught her son how to ride a bicycle, holding onto the back of the seat as he pedaled.
她教她的兒子如何騎單車,他踩著腳踏板,她抓住座位的後方。 - Bicycles come in all shapes and sizes, from sleek racing bikes to sturdy mountain bikes.
單車有各種各樣的款式和尺寸,從流線型的競速車到堅固的山地車。 - They decided to rent bicycles to tour the city, visiting famous landmarks along the way.
相信很多人學習英文的腳踏車時,都會學到 bike 及 bicycle 這兩個英文單字,在許多情況下,英文老師可能會說這兩個用起來都一樣,這樣雖然沒錯,但其實儘管 bike 和 bicycle 都是表示「腳踏車」 ...